A medical home is an approach to providing total health care. With your medical home, you will join a team that includes health care professionals, trusted family members and —most importantly—YOU! The medical home is a way for you to be informed and involved in your health care decisions.
How YOUR medical home can help you….
Assistance with referrals
If you need to see a specialist, your team can keep in touch with the specialist to make sure you get the care you need. It is extremely important for us to know all the care you have received at any facility.
Track your health information using computers and electronic records
This way, your team will have all of your records in one place.
Reach your team when you need them
Your team will have convenient office hours for your appointments. They also offer you the option of using e-mail and the Internet to keep in touch, get lab reports, and answer your questions.
Get to know your team
Your medical home team will know you and your family. They can help you manage your total health care. You can see the same team each time you visit for scheduled appointments, and they can help answer your health questions. Your team uses evidenced based guidelines and support in all aspects of your care.
How to contact your team: During Office Hours
Patient Portal: Primary Care has a patient portal for secure messaging that goes directly to your team members. On the portal, you can access your medical summary, medication list, labs, education and much more. The portal can be accessed by going to Primary Care’s website – www.pcswga.org and selecting patient portal or going directly to the portal website https://health.eclinicalworks.com/pcswga.
Bainbridge Site (229) 416-4421
Blakely Site (229) 723-2660
Quitman Site (229) 263-4531
Thomasville Site (229) 227-5510
ECES School-Based Health Center (229) 261-9884
TCMS School-Based Health Center (229) 227-2936
How to contact your team: After Hours
Patient Portal: Secure Messages sent via the Patient Portal will be checked the next business day. After hours, you can still access your medical summary, medication list, labs, education and much more.
Telephone: An after hour’s answering service handles the telephone calls when the offices are closed. All Emergent and Urgent situations should be assessed at the ER or an Urgent Care.
· Bainbridge Site (229) 416-4421
· Blakely Site (229) 723-2660
· Quitman Site (229) 263-4531
· Thomasville Site (229) 227-5510
· ECES School-Based Health Center (229) 261-9884
· TCMS School-Based Health Center (229) 227-2936
Nurse Advice Line: Most all insurance companies/Medicaid and Medicare have Nurse Advice Lines. Please consult with these services to determine if your after hour’s situation needs immediate attention or may wait until the next day for one of our Same Day Appointments. If this service is available to you, we highly recommend you seek this advice. Avoiding unnecessary ER/Urgent care visits is in your best interest as these providers do not know your medical history, medications and the specialist involved in your care.
ER/Urgent Care: If care is given at the ER or an Urgent Care, please contact Primary Care’s clinical staff with the details of your visit. You may contact us via the portal or telephone. This information will assist us in maximizing the continuity and quality of your care.